For change in minds and hearts


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Wandelwerk Umweltpsychologie
Am Weinberge 11
37120 Bovenden

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The handle comes from our "Wandelhaus", the place where our collective, Wandelwerk, which is spread across Germany, meets regularly. Here we work, plan projects, dream and educate each other. In an increasingly digital work world, it is a great privilege to have this place where we can be analog with each other to paint FlipCharts and let off steam in the garden.

Wandelwerk is a collective of psychologists who see themselves as part of the climate justice movement and met through the Initiative Psychologie im Umweltschutz (IPU) e.V.. From Greenpeace activism to anti-coal resistance, we bring our psychological knowledge to the areas we are involved in. Mostly this takes place in the form of workshops, consulting, seminars but also panel discussions, interviews, lectures or similar.

What started as classical environmental psychological work with a focus on individual behavioral change is increasingly evolving into the direction of research and education on collective protest and environmental engagement.

We are convinced that true climate protection must go hand in hand with the demand for global justice, international solidarity and a profound change in our exploitation-based economy. Through education from below, which should be accessible to all, we want to contribute to critical reflection and support the so-called "left mosaic" to make our political work even more effective.

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