Al-Tufula is a Nazareth-based pedagogical and multipurpose women’s centre working to further and to encourage the development of a democratic and civil society. Al-Tufula targets two major groups it believes are the most important in making social change: children and women. Its aims are twofold: to improve early childhood care and development on the one hand, and on the other to provide women with opportunities to utilize their full capabilities, which they currently lack. In order to achieve these goals, Al-Tufula believes that it is necessary to address men too in order to achieve ideal parenting as well as encouraging equality and a system of dual support for both men and women.
Al-Tufula is a leading member in several feminist and other trans-sectional civil society coalitions aiming to change policies and facilitate larger social and political change. Thus, Al-Tufula formed in 1996 The Working Group on the Status of Palestinian Women Citizens of Israel, a national network of NGOs and activists of the Palestinian minority in Israel. This working group was formed in reaction to a governmental report to the UN, which essentially ignored the status of Palestinian women in Israel and the discrimination against them. The working group‘s alternative shadow report addressed the unaddressed issues which define the daily lives of Palestinian women: questions of political participation, of employment, health, personal status, and violence against women.
Since 2018, Al-Tufula has partnered with the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung and other feminist Palestinian NGOs in a project of learning and reflecting on feminist work titled “Feminist work between professionalism and politics, between Feminism and nationalism”. This is a space and an opportunity for candid discussion and reflection, within each of the organizations and between them, on the trajectories their organizations went through, on the roles they have played and are playing in society, and on their ability to become or act as a movement and lead social and political change.